In addition to CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing), PMR also offers the following in the area of computer data collection:

CAPI= Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing
All our interviewers are familiar with computer interviewing and can be provided with a laptop. During the interviews, the respondents can view images or film clips (e.g. images of products, packages or television commercials) prior to being questioned about these.

CASI= Computer Assisted Self Interviewing
CASI involves having the respondent complete the questionnaire him/herself by computer with either a mouse or a touch-screen system. PMR uses CASI in 2 situations:

  • when the target group is suitable (adolescents or young adults, for example) we place CASI systems at a central point. Using this approach, interviewers are only needed to screen respondents on the street, to lead them to the computer and to provide brief instructions. This is often a cost saving approach (fewer interviewers required) and is sometimes the preferred methodology (when, for example, the interview deals with sensitive subject matter or when any interviewer bias must be eliminated).
  • some clients use touch-screen systems (computer information kiosks) in their showrooms, waiting areas or at tradeshows and presentations. For these clients we can develop and programme a questionnaire, install it on the client's system and provide the data analysis afterwards.

CAWI= Computer Assisted Web Interviewing
CAWI involves having the respondent complete a questionnaire via the web at home or at work. Web interviews can either be placed on our own server or on that of the client. Our web interview services are custom made: tailored to the needs and desires of the client. The broadest version would include placement of the questionnaire on our server, pre-recruitment of the respondents (by telephone) and direction of the respondents to the questionnaire by e-mail. A lesser version would consist of the development and programming of a questionnaire that the client can post on his/her own website. We would provide a tool for downloading the data and/or for conducting one's own analyses in Real Time.