Conjoint analysis is a proven research method with several possible applications, including optimising of (new or existing) product or service concepts, pricing research, brand equity research and segmentation research.

Conjoint analysis provides insight into the value customers attach to various product characteristics, making it possible to make predictions about the effect of product introductions or product modifications.

Data collection within conjoint analysis is conducted by means of paired comparisons or choice tasks.
The choice tasks or paired comparisons are formulated using experimental design principles, and can differ from one respondent to another (tailor-made).

 Example paired comparison

 Example choice task

PMR offers a wide variety of conjoint analysis tools:

  • CVA: Conjoint Value Analysis
  • CBC: Choise Based Conjoint
  • ACA: Adaptive Conjoint Analysis
  • These 3 methods all have their strong and weak points. The preference for a particular method also depends on the research application, the market in which the product operates and the target group of the research. All 3 methods provide essentially the same research results and marketing information.

    PMR offers all the conjoint methods on computer in a multimedia CAPI, CASI or CAWI setting. Only a CVA interview can also be conducted using traditional pen and paper.

    Multimedia support not only makes the interviews more realistic and interesting for the respondents, but it also offers new possibilities. Respondents can, for example, become acquainted with new product concepts by means of (moving) images and sound. In this way design aspects (such as with respect to packaging) can also be included..